4 Tips for Your Business to Get More Interaction From Your Social Media Posts

by Nov 1, 2018

So maybe you’ve heard it said many times that you need to move your business to social media whether it’s Facebook, Twitter or Instagram. But how do you really actually leverage platforms like those to build up sales and loyal customer leads? The key is in interacting with customers and making your brand personal to them, and there are four tips to do that effectively.

Ask Your Audience Questions In Social Media Posts

You can begin getting your audience engaged by asking questions maybe about things related to the products you sell, or other things your business does. These tend to prompt more potential customers to jump in and perhaps become more curious about it. You also might use a few visual enhancements to make the question stand out a little more and get a feel for their interest level. Knowing your audience and having a good relationship with them is one of the most valuable things you can do to increase conversions.

Track Customer Data to Get a Sense of Popular Trends

There are so many users on your pages at any given time that it can be difficult knowing what’s bringing them to you. That’s where data tracking comes in. As DocInfusion describes it, an optimized data system offers a lot of benefits, ranging from faster team collaboration to rapid customer service. Data tracking is the key to getting your customers what they want, when they want it.

Use Facebook As A Chance To Conduct Surveys Or Resolve Complaints

One thing you can do if you’re interested in promoting your company through adding content is using it to conduct surveys or address feedback on a specific product or service. Customers can see you actively working to improve productivity or make sure that their complaints are being addressed, and that can very easily affect their perception of you. But even more so, you have a chance to get a feel for how well a new product might do.

Use Facebook To Thank Customers

The most important part of having loyal customers is thanking them for their business and encouraging them to continue. A study revealed that in general, Facebook posts with 80 characters or less receive a 27 percent higher engagement rate. So using the right amount of words, and finding what resonates with your audience is important. Using social media can also allow you to see which employee met their needs and allow you to give them a pat on the back as well. Gratitude and appreciation are some of the most positive ways to improve your social media reputation.

In conclusion, you don’t want to just spend time on social media for the sake of doing so because time can be money, and it’s also a significant investment you’ll make for your business. But if you can make your time on social media count, you can see a return on happy customers. And most importantly, you can follow up with them and build your contact list.


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