A Personal Website Can Help Land Your Dream Job

by Feb 7, 2018

Here’s the scenario: you work at a business and are asked to help hire a new employee. The applications start pouring in. You’re obviously going to check out their application for education, work history, references, etc. Then what? Are you going to stop there? Of course not. You’re going to do what any normal person would. You’re going to Google them. Then Facebook stalk them. Maybe you’ll even check out their LinkedIn profile.  Or maybe you’ll find their personal website which is designed to help them land their dream job.


The Grabber

It’s important that people understand who you are, your best strengths, and what jobs/positions you are looking for. This information should be near the top of the page and attention grabbing. Keep it short and sweet with no more than two to three paragraphs. If your future employer found your site and only read this part, think about what you would want them to take away from it.


The Portfolio

Portfolios are a must for those in creative fields such as art, photography, web design and the like. What about other fields though? Even if you’re in a profession without all the visual glamour, you can still highlight your accomplishments and projects that have made a difference in past positions.


The Web

Let’s face it, your future employers are going to search for you on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, and anything else they can find. Make it easy for your employers and include links to your professional social media sites. It goes without saying, but be sure to only post photos and content that you don’t mind the world seeing. Before applying for your next position you should also go through your accounts and delete any potentially controversial material that may sway your future employer’s perception of you.


The Intangibles

Testimonials from past coworkers and bosses is another great way to make you stand out from the competition. Don’t be shy about asking for a quote that you can use to highlight your skills, work ethics, and other facets of your personality on your personal website that are hard to demonstrate.


The Design

Last, and certainly not least, is the design of your website. A professional, clean, modern website is key to highlighting your abilities. Let your personal website highlight your personality. Think about the general profession or position your applying for; choose a primary theme color that is representative of you or the position that you are looking for. For example, many websites in medical field use receptive and calming colors like blue and green. If you would rather come across as bold and adventurous you can use red or orange as your primary colors.

A personal site can definitely help you stand out amongst other applicants, but be sure to put some time and thought into what you include. You also want to ensure that you’re standing out for the right reasons. Focus on the value that you can provide to future employers you’ll have hiring managers calling you in for interviews in no time.


Creating a personal website for a job can be rather daunting. COMO Web Designs, LLC can help take the stress out of it. Contact us for a quote and let us do what we do best!


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