How Integrating Social Media Will Give Your Website an Edge in SEO.

by Sep 7, 2017

Over the past few years, the concept of SEO has evolved in unbelievable ways. Before social media became popular, SEO only involved Keywords, meta descriptions and links. But as time passed the basic concept of SEO began evolving, it started including quality content and more recently,  social media.  Let’s see how social media will give your website an edge in SEO.

Google has been making changes to their algorithms starting with Penguin 2.0 penalized websites for not having enough good content.  and most recently the RankBrain algorithm.  The RankBrain is different than other Google Algorithms largely because it uses artificial intelligence. The crawlers behind the algorithm go through the web and scouts for relevant websites; it primarily scouts for two important things: quality content and social proof.

[su_quote]If you want your website have a chance of ranking high on search engines, you need to integrate social media platforms on your website.[/su_quote]

You might be wondering why social media will give your website an edge in SEO.  To answer this question, let’s start by giving you some basic statistics:  In June of 2017, the world’s largest Social Media platform, Facebook reached 2 billion users. Now, by comparing that with the world’s total population of 7 billion, you will see that that at least 25% of the world’s population is active on Facebook alone! When we couple this with the numbers of other popular Social Platforms such as Instagram with 700 million users, Twitter with its 328 million, LinkedIn with 250 million, the total number of social media users is at least 3.5 billion. This is why search engines are taking social media stats very seriously.

If you want your website have a chance of ranking high on search engines, you need to integrate social media platforms on your website. Apart from integrating them on the site, you will also have to make sure that they are optimized. Still not convinced? Here are some more reasons why social media is crucial for your SEO:

1. Social Links Give Social Signals that will Boost your site’s ranking
When you integrate Social Media with your site, search engines will record your brand as the owner to the platforms. Now, if the platforms receive a higher than average level of engagement, the RankBrain algorithm will interpret the engagement as interest and if the engagement on your Social Platforms is higher than average, you might get favorable search rankings on the Search Engine Results Page.

2. The Social Media Profiles rank in Search Engines as well.
Sometimes, having great Social Profiles might not have a direct impact on your Website but this doesn’t mean that they won’t impact your brand visibility online. Search Engines will rank your Social Media profiles if they are optimized well. Here’s a prime example: a few days ago I was googling a business that I saw in an advertisement.  I had a hard time finding the company’s actual website but their Facebook page was amongst the first several results. Apart from getting your website found online, SEO is important for increasing brand visibility. Your social media profiles will surely help your company  because of increased brand visibility.

3. Your blog is a Social Media Platform
For a content creator, one popular phrase is, a blog that doesn’t get comments is no blog at all. The purpose for writing a blog, apart from disseminating content is for people to come to your blog and interact in several ways around the topic under discussion. And from a basic definition, social media is any digital platform that encourages interaction. The easiest way for you to integrate social media on your website is by having a frequently updated blog, you will give yourself an edge especially if you write content frequently, you will be sure to achieve very high rankings.

It can be rather time consuming to integrate create social media profiles and integrate them in your website. If you don’t have the time (or desire) to do so, let COMO Web Designs take care of the heavy lifting for you via our support services and content management options.

What are your thoughts?  Do you agree that integrating social media will give your website an edge in SEO? Comment below!


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